Let’s dance!

Time for a little bit of music and dance again! Starting with a performance of the National Ballet of Canada: the famous and passionate story of CARMEN. The National Ballet is aiming to attract more young visitors, and organized a membership programme for 16 to 29 year olds. Accompanied by my age buddy (i.e. my 29-year-old friend LOL), I made my first entrance at the Four Seasons Theatre. Thanks to our So You Think You Can Dance experience in watching (and judging) modern dance, we had a great time 🙂

Over the weekend we had the illusion of being on holiday in Brazil. The so called Dundas West Fest took place in little Portugal, a festival on the streets full of food, nice little market stalls, and of course music and dancing people! Loud sounds of Portuguese and Brazilian music were audible during the whole day. That’s what I like so much about Toronto, all these multicultural neighbourhoods where you can really experience a different culture.

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